An update- September 2022

After a near 6-month hiatus, I am back again. Over the last few months, I have completed A-levels, turned 18, gone on some summer trips abroad and done a lot of thinking about where I’m currently at in life.

This academic year- from 2022-23- I am taking a GAP year. This means I am not attending any school, college, university or full-time work.

Instead, I plan to have a year on my own terms. For example, I’m playing rugby for the senior team at my local club, volunteering at a local foodbank and learning German. Later in the year, I plan to do some further travel- possibly on my own or with some friends.

Through these experiences and other things later on, I hope that I will start to learn more about myself, the world and the type of person I want to be.

I will also start posting on this blog again! I will resume my posts about books and literature, as well as more general writings on the ‘Journal’ section of the blog. I also plan to write about my experiences and journey on this GAP year, including any travel that I do.

This is set to be a pretty unique year in my life so far and I can’t wait to share some of my experiences and thoughts about it on here.


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