
Our true nationality is mankind. – H.G. Wells As cultures cross, conversations flow. No matter the background, age or nationality, all of us bring something new. Whether British, French, German, Dutch, Belgian, Danish or Greek, the stories we share are individual and unique. We hail from different lands, different cultures, Continue Reading


On the night of Thursday 29th September/ the morning of Friday 30th October, after just returning from a 10-day trip to Greece, I was hospitalised and subsequently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I won’t go into the details, but I was in a bad way when I was admitted and Continue Reading

Insignificant Humans

I have just started reading the Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch, a multi topical book about physics, society, explanations, epistemology (theory of knowledge) and much more. Despite having read just 10 pages, I am already brimming with ideas and inspiration. Deutsch begins the book by running through several mind-blowing Continue Reading