My Goals for April/May 2021- reviewed

Table Of Contents


1.  Complete Russia module and end of topic assessment

I completed the Russia module and managed to do the end of topic assessments at the end of May. Though it took me longer than it should have, I have completed this goal.

2. ➕Make sure you are okay with all maths topics done so far and address any weaknesses

I have addressed some maths topics, but I need to ramp up the revision hours for my upcoming end of Y12 exam

3. 📚Start making revision resources for History and English Literature

I have not achieved this as of yet, but I plan to make some english revision resources for my upcoming end of Y12 exams

Health/ sports

1. 🏋️‍♀️Get fit for rugby through regular running and workouts

I have done lots more strength training since the creation of a small gym in my garden and have been relatively consistent with this. I need to do more running and fitness

2. 🏌️‍♂️Get back into golf

I have been to the driving range a couple of times with my dad and my form has been pretty good, but I haven’t played any rounds since the courses reopened. I plan to do this soon

3. 🧘 Start meditating at a regular time each day

Though I have meditated a few times recently I have not been able to make this a regular habit. I do not know why but I will research other methods to do this.

4. 🍏 Improve my diet

I feel my diet has improved somewhat since lockdown finished, as I am in the house less and therefore I do not snack as much. However, I need to eat healthy foods more often.


1. 📝Act upon sections of ‘March Drafts’ page

I have done this.

2. ✍️Publish at least 6 blog posts

I published 5 posts in April and 1 in May, so I count moderate success for this goal. I still want to achieve greater consistency on here.

3. 🖥 Make sure to do Brilliant courses more regularly

I have done the courses periodically but like several others here, I do not make enough time for doing this.

4. 📈 Read the Economist more regularly

I listened and read to a lot of articles on the walk to school in April but have slacked off recently, listening to more podcasts and audiobooks instead. I need to read the Economist more regularly.

5. 🧠 Start the Wisdom Quest

I have begun this project but I still haven’t written a blog post on it. This is definitley coming soon.

6. 👨‍💻 Learn basic programming

I have been slowly going through the Computer Science course on Brilliant but I have not properly started programming as of yet.

7. 🐦 Start using Twitter more regularly

I have recently started compressing some of my blog posts on Twitter as well as putting out short thoughts and ideas that I have. Follow me here

8. 🎓 Start considering post-18 options

I have started thinking about this but it often overwhelms me when I do. At the moment, I’m considering a GAP year to travel (if possible), play rugby, start a business, get a job and do some extra learning as well as some other things.


I initially thought I would a goals post every month but now I think two months is more realistic to really make progress with my goals. I am happy with the personal work I have done in April and May although there is definitely plenty of room for improvement. Soon, I will write about my goals for June and July. Until next time,

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