The Value of Journalling

At the start of the year, I started a daily journalling habit. Though I’ve sometimes struggled with consistency, the process has helped me enormously in terms of having a daily ritual, reflecting on the day and reviewing how my life is going. In this post, I will go over my journalling process and the benefits of setting one up for yourself.

For each day, I write a summary of the day’s Daily Stoic at the top of the page. Below, I write a line of something to be grateful for. Then at the end of every day, I note down everything that happened and sometimes reflect on how I feel about certain things.

Why do I journal?

  1. It provides a record of every day- this can be useful for reference or just for looking back later
  2. The daily ritual becomes soothing and comforting
  3. I can see how my lifestyle impacts my mood. For example, if I’m feeling bad it is easy to see what has contributed to that (have I been eating badly, missing habits, not exercising etc.)
  4. It is easier to apply lessons learnt from the Daily Stoic by taking notes from it in this way
  5. The gratitude section makes me more grateful for what I have and aware of the benefits and privileges of my life

Overall, this is a great habit that has been a staple of my lifestyle over the last year. I’d highly recommend adopting a similar practice if you haven’t already

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