What I’ve Learnt from a Year of Blogging

A year ago this week, I started reginaldsramblings.com, my blog. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made and it has benefited me in countless ways. Today I want to talk about some of these benefits and why I’d recommend setting up a blog or website to anyone.

1- Writing for an Audience- showing others my work

Through my blog I have started to learn how to write for an audience. This is something I am still working on, but I think I’ve improved my skills already just by writing online. In the future, I would like to write more essays (out of school) and eventually books, so this is a skill that I really value and want to get better at.

2- Exploring different areas

Over the last year I have explored writing and learning about multiple areas. I don’t think I have quite found my ‘niche’ yet but I have really enjoyed writing about the things I find most interesting, including books, current affairs and my public journal and I think I will come closer to finding ‘my thing’ the more I write.

3- Basic web design

In June 2020, I designed my website via WordPress, which taught me some basic web design skills. This is a skill that I can potentially monetise and in the future I would like to learn to code in order to move my blog to my own website.

4- Developing a Personal Brand

I have also started to develop my own ‘Personal Brand’ through my blog. I have increased my online presence and I am learning more about my interests and tendencies by exploring them in public.

5- Having fun and the satisfaction of content creation

Lastly, setting up and running my blog has been hugely fun. The ability to create my own content has given me so much enjoyment and satisfaction and as a result my blog has been a key part of my life over the last year.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the benefits I have noticed since starting my blog midway through last year. I would encourage anyone to set up a personal blog, website or newsletter because it is extremely fun and the benefits are potentially enormous.

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